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A message for people who attend our weekly classes


I felt it was important to contact you to let you know the current position of Vital Spark in response to the rapidly moving situation regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19). We have been and will be, carefully following advice from the government and adapting as the advice changes.

At present, schools are to remain open and there are no restrictions in place which would affect the running of Vital Spark classes. We will be reminding children, as has been the case in schools, to wash their hands before eating and at regular intervals throughout the day. We request that all other government guidelines be followed regarding the need to self -isolate. If you are at all unsure about this, please visit

Classes will run as normal provided the schools stay open and Vital Spark staff are not required to self-isolate both of which would be beyond our control. In the event of these things happening we will endeavour to provide alternatives for our students to choose from. This might include teacher video tutorials, choreography task sets, drama games or imaginary adventures to play at home etc. We are sure that in the event of closure these things will be most welcome! As these video files would potentially be quite large, it may be necessary for us to share them with you via a service such as Dropbox.

It is our view that dance, play, creativity and imagination (which is everything that Vital Spark stands for) will always be an important part of our culture but especially during uncertain times such as this.

We appreciate your understanding and flexibility and will update you of any changes throughout the term,

Best Wishes,

Katherine and the Vital Spark Team

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