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Vital Spark launches Joy Club classes!


Get the date in your diary now! On Saturday 5th January 2019, Vital Spark hosts the launch of it's new timetable of Saturday classes. Along with Vital Spark Founder, Katherine Jackson, these classes will be run by Beth Farrow who since completing her Masters in Performance at Bedford University is lecturing at Cambridge Regional College along with continuing her professional practise.

The focus of these new classes is health and wellbeing with creativity at the core and we really hope you will find there is something for everyone to find joy in.

The classes will take place on Saturdays in Eversden Village Hall and the timetable and costings are outlined below:

9-9.30 Early Birds and Wiggly Worms

For years the parents who come to watch our sharing sessions at Vital Spark have been saying, "I'd love to have that much fun learning simple dances to music!" Now you can! This class is exceptional value at £6 for up to 2 adults and up to 3 children (this will be payable termly) and with the early start time you can get up and out and energised for the rest of your weekend. If your New Years resolution is more family time... this class could be the perfect way to kick it off!

9.30-10.10.30 Joy Club

Following the success of January Joy club in 2018 we can't wait to bring this class back in 2019. The class mixes dance fitness, a release of endorphins, breathing, stretching and feel good fun. This class is £6 per week (payable termly) or you can sign up for Joy Club GOLD membership for £8 per week payable termly where you will have access to added benefits such as healthy recipe ideas, bonus video clips and mindfulness exercise offerings.

10.30-11.15 Junior Joy Club: DRAMA

Recommended for ages 5-10 years. THIS IS NOT A STAGE SCHOOL! Katherine and Beth both have a strong interest in using drama and play as a tool for building confidence and self esteem. A safe environment to explore feelings and expression, this class is a place to explore and develop creatively. (£5 per week payable termly or £8 when also doing Junior Joy Club: Dance)

11.15-12 Junior Joy Club: DANCE

Recommended for ages 5-10 years. THIS IS NOT A STAGE SCHOOL! Dance is fun and expressive. This class will use varied music and props to explore movement creatively as an expression of of joy (and other emotions!) If you're fed up of being told to sit still then this is the class for you... fidget bottoms welcome! (£5 per week payable termly or £8 when also doing Junior Joy Club: Dance)

All classes are free to try at our Launch Party on Saturday 5th January where you'll get a free goody bag when you sign up to the remainder of the term... to receive an invite to the party please email stating which classes you'd like to try at the launch!

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